Sunday, November 9, 2008

Legit and Local, another part of what makes Waco what it is . . . Great.

Sure, there are a lot of definitions for what qualifies as greatness, but I have no desire to go into an exposition on the various individual requirements people might have for greatness. But I do want to discuss one of the aspects that make Waco such a great place to live . . . heck, a great place to visit. The multitude of local establishments is one of the most telling aspects of Waco's greatness, from restaurants to adult-beverage establishments, Waco has some of the best in Texas. Austin has always touted it's incredible Local spirit, but in a lot of ways Austin has lost what was so awesome about the town 10-20 years ago. Waco, however, has not. Waco has a lot of the same feel today what Austin had in it's heyday. In this blog a lot of what you will see in days to come are discussions of Blue Bike's favorite local locales. So stay tuned and support local business.

-Shift Gears

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